Gold Scanners
Made in Germany

Learn How to Find Gold Treasures with OKM Detectors
At OKM, we're passionate about unveiling the mysteries hidden beneath the earth's surface. Our high-quality gold scanners are your gateway to gold scanning success. With advanced 3D gold scanning, OKM leads the industry in precision scanning technology. Imagine being able to detect gold treasures in depths down to 82 ft (25 m) with our gold scanners. It's not only about finding gold; it's about finding treasure, and with OKM, that possibility becomes a reality.
Scan Deeper and Discover Real Gold Treasures
Our professional gold scanners provide the best depth performance, ensuring you can detect even the most deeply buried gold treasures. Scan the underground and visualize hidden treasures and gold in amazing 3D graphics. Enjoy your great gold treasure hunt with OKM's high-end gold scanner.
With OKM's Gold Scanners
customers found objects down to 82 ft (25 m) deep.
Explore the Versatility of OKM Gold Scanners
Whether you're a experienced prospector, a treasure hunter, or an archaeologist uncovering ancient mysteries, our professional-grade scanners are tailored to meet your needs. From finding buried treasure to uncovering historical artifacts, the possibilities of our scanners are endless. Our cutting-edge technology results in many possible use cases.
Lost in Time, Recovered with OKM:
Archaeology’s Hunt for Golden Artifacts

Unveiling the Past with Precision Scans
OKM's high quality gold scanners offer the possibility to discover ancient cultures. With our advanced scanning ability, archaeological objects can be found with incredible precision.
Effortless Exploration of Buried Treasures
Easily scan for buried treasures and artifacts, revealing chambers and tombs that lie in the underground. Our professional gold scanners ensure you can detect even the most deeply buried gold treasures, empowering archaeologists to uncover treasures that have remained hidden for centuries.
Preservation through Non-Invasive Technology
Preserve the integrity of archaeological sites with OKM's non-invasive technology. Conduct scans without disturbing the surrounding environment, minimizing the impact on cultural heritage sites while still uncovering valuable information about the past.
Buried Gold – The Ultimate Treasure Hunt

Scans for Gold
Prepare for an exhilarating journey into the world of treasure hunting with OKM's cutting-edge gold scanners. Our advanced technology ensures precision scans for gold, allowing you to uncover hidden treasures with unparalleled accuracy. Whether you're searching for buried chests or lost artifacts, OKM scanners are the tool for your treasure hunting adventures.
Unleash Your Inner Adventurer
Release your inner adventurer and go on an exploration of epic proportions with OKM gold scanners. From dense forests to rugged mountains, our scanners are your trusted companion in the quest for hidden riches. With their high-quality construction and advanced features, OKM scanners empower you to navigate even the most challenging terrain with confidence.
Experience the Thrill of the Hunt
OKM stands as a leader for quality and precision in the world of treasure hunting. Our metal scanning technology ensures that every scan is thorough and accurate, promising an expedition filled with unparalleled discoveries. Treasure hunt like a pro, leaving a legacy with each precious find.
Discover Your Perfect Gold Scanner: Free Expert Consultation
Explore our expert consultation services to find the ideal gold scanner for your needs. Let us guide you through the process and unlock the potential of your gold scanning journey. Get started today and make the most of your investment with OKM.